Living in Greenlee County is a privilege and one of the great aspects of living here is the relative absence of serious and violent crime. Our communities and neighborhoods are still places where our children are free to play in safety, people are friendly and neighbors know and care for each other.
At the Greenlee County Attorney’s Office we’re working hard to keep it that way. While we recognize that we have our problems with crime, we believe that by faithfully, fairly and aggressively prosecuting adult and juvenile offenders, we can help keep our overall crime rate low and serious and violent crimes out of our communities.
As advocates for the citizens of Greenlee County, our primary job is criminal prosecution, but we also perform many other functions that improve the quality of life here. We provide a wide variety of services that assist victims of crime including victim compensation programs, restitution recovery, court notification, victim consultation and coordination of victim services available in the community. People who write bad checks to Greenlee County businesses raise the cost of goods and services for all of us. That’s why we run a bad check program which helps businesses recover their losses and appropriately punishes bad check writers.
The County Attorney is the legal advisor for Greenlee County Government. We provide legal advice to the Board of Supervisors as well as all other county offices. We also help fire districts and schools with their legal needs. Through the wise use of grants and prosecution cost reimbursement programs, we have developed innovative funding solutions that have helped to keep costs down and taxes low, especially during the past few years when economic conditions have been particularly difficult.
We are glad you visited us here and hope the information we’ve provided is helpful. We welcome any suggestions you might have to improve this site and encourage you to contact us.
November 20, 2024
September 8, 2023
September 8, 2023
Greenlee County Government
253 5th St
Clifton, AZ 85533
Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
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