DEREK RAPIER County Administrator (928) 865-2072
BIANCA CASTAÑEDA Clerk of the Board
FACSIMILE (928) 865-9332 |
P.O. BOX 908 253 5TH STREET CLIFTON, AZ 85533
DAVID GOMEZ District 1
RICHARD LUNT District 3 |
Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes §38-431, et. seq.
and amendments thereto, the
also sitting as Board of Directors for
hereby gives notice that a
Regular Meeting
will be held on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 – 8:00 a.m. The Public will have physical access to the Board Meeting Room be no later than 7:45 a.m.
Audio/Visual Streaming of this meeting may be found at:
Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 2nd floor Courthouse Annex, 253 5th Street, Clifton, Arizona
Total financial impact to Greenlee County to date resulting from
Sheriff’s lawsuit against the Board of Supervisors = $289,763.33
In attendance: Board of Supervisors members: Richard Lunt, Chairman, David Gomez, Member and Ron Campbell, Member Also present were Gary Griffith, County Attorney, Derek Rapier, County Administrator, Austin Adams (via zoom), HR Director, and Bianca Castañeda, Clerk of the Board
Chairman Richard Lunt called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m.
Supervisor Campbell led those present in the pledge.
No responses to call to the public.
Service District expense warrants in excess of $1,000.00
Transaction Form: J. Leaman, Animal Control Officer
Upon motion by Supervisor Gomez seconded by Supervisor Campbell and carried unanimously, the Board approved the Public Health Services District Consent Agenda as presented.
District expense warrants in excess of $1,000.00
Upon motion by Supervisor Gomez seconded by Supervisor Campbell and
carried unanimously, the Board approved the Flood Control District
Consent Agenda as presented.
sole source provider to provide components of an emergency
interoperability system between GCSO and School Districts in Greenlee
County in the total amount of $500,000.00, $250,000.00 of which to be
spent in the current fiscal year, to be paid exclusively with funds
provided by the State for this purpose.
Mr. Sumner discussed the Mutuallink contract that the state appropriated funds for in 2021 was specifically for schools safety. He stated the first phase is done and is looking forward for the continuation of the next phases to provide for school safety and first responders. He explained only 50% will be spent in this fiscal year $250,000 and the remainder $250,000 will be spent in the next fiscal year.
Marc Taylor with Mutual presented a power point, he gave an update on the completed first phase and what the next phases are and how it looks like for Greenlee County Schools and Law enforcement. He further explained that in addition to further upgrades, phase two includes expanding and building out infrastructure to the Blue school. He stated that teachers and law enforcement will get all necessary training.
Upon motion by Supervisor Campbell seconded by Supervisor Gomez and
carried unanimously, the Board approved the agenda as presented.
damaged Loma Linda Park playground cover and to solicit bids for a
metal shade structure to cover Loma Linda Park playground.
Mr. Hines discussed the damage to the playground cover at the Loma Linda Park and asked for permission to solicit bids to replace the fabric cover with a metal structure using ARPA funds.
Upon motion by Supervisor Campbell seconded by Supervisor Gomez and
carried unanimously, the Board approved to single source for the metal shade structure over the Loma Linda Park Playground to Ward Brothers.
Supervisor Campbell amended his motion proceed with a quote from Ward Brothers as a sole source provider if no other bidders respond and if other providers to respond to present the written bids to the supervisors at a later meeting. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Gomez and carried unanimously.
Mr. Hines discussed the Engineering department vehicle, he stated the vehicle package requested is not available in the fleet pricing area, and now needs to be out of regular purchasing, which is 2,800 to 3,000 higher. Normally there’s a fleet discount but it’s not available with the trail boss package that is requested.
Upon motion by Supervisor Campbell seconded by Supervisor Gomez and
carried unanimously, the Board approved the adjusted purchasing amount not to
exceed $3,000 increase of the initial amount requested.
Duncan and entering into a requirement contract with Synergy for fuel.
Mr. Sumner responded to the agenda item, he discussed his concerns regarding
the agenda item not being properly agenized. He would like to see a contract
before the board decides.
Mr. Rapier addressed Mr. Sumner’s concerns language on the agenda request form being different than the language of the agenda item on the agenda explaining that agenda request forms are for the convenience of the Board staff band the agenda language must give the public notice of the topic to be discussed.
Mr. Rapier also discussed the nature of the contract with the requirements clause and explaining that under the contract, would supply the tank. He discussed the possibility of asking Synergy to limit the exclusivity of the contract to just the diesel fuel tank in Duncan. He said that more study is needed before making a recommendation to the Board and that he would report on the progress at the next Board meeting.
The board gave Mr. Rapier direction regarding the contract.
upgrade and update the Sheriff’s Office Spillman system
Mr. Sumner responded and said he thinks the Sheriff’s Office should present agenda items regarding the Spillman software system used by the Sheriff’s office.
Mr. Adams stated he had a discussion with Motorola reps, to verify the compatibility of the proposed software system to accommodate the split with the town of Clifton. The proposal is a 5-year agreement for service and support. The total proposed amount is budgeted in the CIP.
Upon motion by Supervisor Campbell seconded by Supervisor Gomez and
carried unanimously, the Board approved the agenda as presented in an amount
not to exceed $368,824.59
Mr. Rapier discussed legislative issues, and concerns that the legislature could try to shift financial burdens to the county with can affect county operations. He discussed the latest projected two-year budget deficit of approximately $800M. He discussed ongoing legislative efforts to solve election calendar issues.
County half-cent and state shared sales tax revenues presented and discussed.
Calendar and event were discussed.
meetings: 11/07/2023; 11/21/2023;12/12/2024
excess of $1,000.00 – Voucher 7019; 7020; 7021
in the amount of $ 446.93 to be reimbursed upon receipt of funds: Fund 159 – $329.76; Fund 304 – $117.17
Centers for the 2024 Presidential Preference, Election to be held on
March 19, 2024 and the Primary Election to be held on August 6, 2024,
and the 2024 General Election to be held on November 5, 2024 pursuant
to Arizona Revised Statutes §16-411
Justice of the Peace Pro Temps Richardo Guerena and Mindy Claridge
transaction form: T. Breshears
transaction form: D. Chavarria, Deputy Probation Officer; J. Altamirano,
Deputy Probation Officer
Upon motion by Supervisor Gomez seconded by Supervisor Campbell and
carried unanimously, the Board approved the consent agenda as presented.
Supervisor Campbell attended a meeting of the Agricultural and Rural Affairs NACO committee which he is a member of where there was discussion regarding the upcoming NACo Conference, well attended meeting.
Supervisor Gomez attended the CSA Board meeting in December, and the CSA legislative reception in January. He stated that other meetings he attended while in Phoenix were also very beneficial. He also attended the Greenlee County EAC Advisory Committee meeting held at the social club which highlighted the small business development center and recognized Greenlee County nominee Juliann Hernandez small-business woman of the year.
Chairman Lunt attended the Governor’s State of the State speech at the capital and expressed his appreciation to CSA for their function and support.
At Chairman Lunt’s direction and as part of his report, Mr. Rapier reported on the January ECO meeting where former Speaker of the House, Rusty Bowers and water law attorney David Brown gave presentations on Arizona’s water situation and discussed the pressure to move water from rural to urban areas.
There being no further business to come before the Board of Supervisors,
the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 a.m.
APPROVED: /s/ Richard Lunt, Chairman
ATTEST: /s/ Bianca Castaneda, Clerk of the Board
All agenda items are for discussion and/or action as deemed necessary. The Board reserves the right to consider any matter out of order. The Board may retire into Executive Session for any of the purposes that are allowed by law, including but not limited to legal advice and/or personnel matters; as authorized by A.R.S. § Persons with a disability may request accommodation for special assistance by contacting Bianca Castañeda at 928-865-2072 (TDD 928-865-2632). Requests should be made as soon as possible to allow time for arrangement of the accommodation.
This article is spot on and we have been discussing this topic with our followers on our BlueSky social media channel. Please come and join us there.
Thank you for sharing this insightful information. Many of the students have been discussing this topic and we will be addressing it at this college workshop