Board of Supervisors Minutes 2024-01-04

February 16, 2024 - In Board of Supervisors , BOS Minutes , Minutes


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District 1



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District 3


Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes §38-431, et. seq.

and amendments thereto, the


also sitting as Board of Directors for




hereby gives notice that a

Regular Meeting

will be held on Thursday, January 4, 2024 – 8:00 a.m. The Public will have physical access to the Board Meeting Room be no later than 7:45 a.m.

Audio/Visual Streaming of this meeting may be found at:

Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 2nd floor Courthouse Annex, 253 5th Street, Clifton, Arizona




Total financial impact to Greenlee County to date resulting from  

Sheriff’s lawsuit against the Board of Supervisors = $ 282,288.25

In attendance: Board of Supervisors members: Richard Lunt, Chairman, David Gomez, Member and Ron Campbell, Member. Also present were Gary Griffith, County Attorney, Derek Rapier, County Administrator, Austin Adams, HR Director, and Laura Garcia, Deputy Clerk of the Board



  1. Call to Order


Chairman Richard Lunt called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


Supervisor Gomez led those present in the pledge.




  1. Call to the Public


Nancy Jean Welker with Sun Zia and Rio Sol Projects and gave history of the project, She wanted to thank those who have helped and stood by during these past years to achieve our dream.


Tim Sumner, Greenlee County Sheriff, reported there were no major incidents over the holiday season.  He wanted to highlight the Cowbells annual dinner and auction where they honored Jean Schwennesen & her husband on 50 years of marriage.  He also wanted to mention that they are still in need of IT support for the Sheriff Office to set up the new website and have not received that help and is asking for that assistance again.


  1. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES DISTRICT – the Board of Supervisors will

convene as the Board of Directors of the Greenlee County Public Health

Services District and will reconvene as the Board of Supervisors following

consideration of these items:

  1. Consent Agenda
  2. Clerk of the Board: Consideration of approval of Public Health Services District expense warrants in excess of $1,000.00


Upon motion by Supervisor Gomez seconded by Supervisor Campbell, and carried unanimously, the Board approved the Public Health Services District Consent Agenda as presented.


  1. FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT – the Board of Supervisors will convene as

the Board of Directors of the Greenlee County Flood Control District and

will reconvene as the Board of Supervisors following consideration of

these items:

  1. Consent Agenda
  2. Clerk of the Board:  Consideration of approval of Flood Control

District expense warrants in excess of $1,000.00


Upon motion by Supervisor Gomez, seconded by Supervisor Campbell and

carried unanimously, the Board approved the Flood Control District Consent

Agenda as presented.


  1. Tony Hines, Public Works Manager-Fleet/Facilities
  2. Discussion/Action to consider revisions to original proposal to expand

the show barn at the Greenlee County fairgrounds (D building) in an

amount not to exceed $180,000.00 using ARPA funds.


Mr. Hines discussed that the new revised estimate for the bigger dance floor and Building D went up $51,000.  Both Supervisor Lunt & Supervisor Campbell agree that the revisions that are being proposed will be good for future events at the facility.  Mr. Rapier explained that originally, we budgeted for $75-80 thousand, but that we do have the capacity in our ARPA funds to fund this project.


Upon motion by Supervisor Campbell, seconded by Supervisor Gomez and carried unanimously, the Board approved to consider revisions to original proposal to expand the show barn at the Greenlee County fairgrounds (D building and dance floor) in an amount not to exceed $180,000.00 using ARPA funds. Motion passes.


  1. Reen Larson, County Engineer
  2. Discussion/Action regarding approval of task order No. 1 with Dibble for

construction administration for the grant-funded airport drainage

project in the amount not to exceed $81,868.00.


Mr. Larson explained that this will enable them to provide construction oversite and to perform material testing & construction staking. They would use subcontractors if needed.  This is a time and materials task order, and we will only pay them for the time and effort they put into the project and there is flexibility built into it. It is important to the state that some of this work is done independently.  Supervisor Gomez asked if the work put into this project by our Public Works Department are part of the $81,000 and Mr. Larson clarified that it is not, but that we would get credit for that work and could request for reimbursement.  It is a 10% match for reimbursement.


Upon motion by Supervisor Gomez, seconded by Supervisor Campbell and carried unanimously, the Board approved of task order No. 1 with Dibble for

construction administration for the grant-funded airport drainage project in the                             amount not to exceed $81,868.00 as presented. Motion passes.


  1. Derek Rapier, County Administrator
  2. Report on Progress of Tier 1 Capital Improvement Projects.


Mr. Rapier spoke about each project and gave estimated project completion dates. Supervisor Campbell asked that we do a monthly update on any new progress or completions.


  1. Derek Rapier, County Administrator
  2. County and State budget and legislative issues


Mr. Rapier talked about what’s going to be important to this legislature.  Water           issues will be at the top, ESA scholarships, and Saber rattling.

There may be some sparks with the Senate President sued the Governor trying

to force her hand to send up nominees for agency heads.  Speak of the House Toma said they want to get their business done quickly.  He spoke about campaigning. There is talk about teacher pay as well.


  1. Calendar and Events


Calendar and event were discussed by Mr. Rapier.


  1. Consent Agenda
  2. Clerk of the Board: Consideration of approval of expense warrants in

excess of $1,000.00 – Voucher 7018

  1. Sheriff: Consideration of approval of Employee Transaction for:

T.Reyes Detention Officer I


Upon motion by Supervisor Gomez seconded by Supervisor Campbell and

carried unanimously, the Board approved the consent agenda as presented.


  1. Supervisor Reports (Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02(K), individual

supervisors may present brief summaries of current events, but no

           discussion may occur, and no action may be taken regarding anything that

           is presented)


          Nothing to report


  1.    Adjournment


There being no further business to come before the Board of Supervisors,

the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m.



APPROVED: /s/ Richard Lunt, Chairman


ATTEST: /s/ Laura Garcia, Deputy Clerk of the Board



All agenda items are for discussion and/or action as deemed necessary. The Board reserves the right to consider any matter out of order. The Board may retire into Executive Session for any of the purposes that are allowed by law, including but not limited to legal advice and/or personnel matters; as authorized by A.R.S.  § Persons with a disability may request accommodation for special assistance by contacting Bianca Castañeda at 928-865-2072 (TDD 928-865-2632). Requests should be made as soon as possible to allow time for arrangement of the accommodation.


  • November 19, 2024

    This article is spot on and we have been discussing this topic with our followers on our BlueSky social media channel. Please come and join us there.

  • November 19, 2024

    Thank you for sharing this insightful information. Many of the students have been discussing this topic and we will be addressing it at this college workshop

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