Elizabeth Morales, Public Fiduciary
Nora Garza, Public Fiduciary
Greenlee County Courthouse
223 Fifth St
P.O. Box 1116
Clifton, Arizona 85533
(928) 865-2323
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
In each county there is a Public Fiduciary appointed by the County Board of Supervisors. The Public Fiduciary may then be appointed by the court to serve as a guardian, conservator or personal representative of an estate when there is no one else willing or capable of serving. They also serve, by agreement, as representative payees for Social Security Administration.
A Fiduciary is someone who accepts the responsibility for taking care of the needs or property of an incapacitated person. A person is determined by the court to be incapacitated when he or she lacks sufficient understanding or “capacity” to make or communicate responsible decisions concerning his or her well being.
A guardian is a person appointed by the probate court to ensure that the personal and medical needs of an incapacitated person are met. Each year the guardian reports back to the court of progress with the ward’s personal affairs.
A conservator is a person appointed by the probate court to manage the financial affairs of someone who is determined by the court to be unable to manage his or her own finances or property. Each year the fiduciary files an annual accounting with the court.
Please contact the Greenlee County Public Fiduciary Office for more information.